How to build a digital to analog tv converter antenna
How to build a digital to analog tv converter antenna

how to build a digital to analog tv converter antenna

It’s been running 24/7 for 20yrs with no problems. The aforementioned unit is also pretty reliable. And I’m not totally against progress, I own a couple small portable digital tv’s I’m using for ota reception away from home I’m sure if you wanted to try sending a modern digital signal through it it would work, but then I haven’t had the need. In this way I actually predated the multiple tv services I’m sure would cost extra, and kept my analogue TV sets in service (I couldn’t care less about “keeping up with the Joneses”, what have they done for me lately?). Ten years later I hooked one up to my cable tv box and can watch tv anywhere in the house, on various receivers. You could put an aerial on the output and feed a modulated ch 3 or 4 signal into it and broadcast your vcr programmes all around the house no wires or cables. There was an article in an electronics magazine back in 1987 giving full instructions on how to build an amplifier to boost the useful channel 3 cable frequency. if you keep it to a small subburb and dont transmit into the main sity area you could get away with it for a long time.

how to build a digital to analog tv converter antenna

but personally I dont care if I could find a decent transmitter I would run my own TV station and play all the latest movies and even Porn at night I have no respect for the law when it comes to this sort of thing :-) would love a 5W+ Transmitter schematic to build and have a community TV station and once analoge is turned uff here no one would know other than someone with a spectrom analizer unless you told them to scan there TV on Analoge chances of them finding it is slim. say if you wanted to transmit on 1148.3375Mhz at say 10W you require a permit for that frequeny and have to pay and re-submit the application every so many years like australia its usually 2 years a a time. anyway even if that wasn’t the case over a certain wattage you require a licence on non public frequencies.

how to build a digital to analog tv converter antenna

so if you transmit on these frequencies it can interfere with the digital TV service. Its illeal weather you like it or not when analogue TV if its not already shut down in your area runs on the same frequency bands as the digital stations the only difference is for each frequency multiple channels can be broadcast on each channel frequency thus alowing a lot more channels to be broadcast on the same frequency allocations say here in southern tasmania/australia analoge channel 6 is trasmitted with 3 other channels in digital on the same frequency band as analoge channel 8 if you use a scanner on this frequeny you dont hear anything but a digital tuner will.

How to build a digital to analog tv converter antenna