Red button ginger pruning
Red button ginger pruning

Just behind the clump of Costus woodsonii at the inner plot, we have planted a cluster of Hymenocallis caribaea (Caribbean Spiderlily) and thrust a bottomless pot of Wrightia antidysenterica (Snowflake, Arctic Snow) beside it.

red button ginger pruning

Hoping that the yellow leaf spots were caused by water on the leaves with exposure to direct sunlight or nutrient deficiency and not some pest infestation.įor a start, I’m going to snip the affected leaves, fertilize the plants and keep fingers crossed that over time, they will regain their health and vigour. However, some leaves were scorched and appear unsightly while others have yellow spots on them. Inadvertently, the garden was neglected during our recent bereavement and needless to say, there were some casualties during the couple of weeks surrender to nature’s harsh heat.įortunately, a pot of Costus woodsonii (Red Button Ginger) that were newly planted at our inner border survived the ordeal and even managed to produce some suckers. She’s much loved and missed by us all but God loves her more.

red button ginger pruning

Not perfectly timed though as we purchased them three days too early, just before our dearly beloved mother’s (John’s mom, my mother-in-law) unexpected sudden demise on December 12th. Some new plants were added to our little garden paradise in December.

Red button ginger pruning